
Showing posts from July, 2009


*買旅支(台銀) 這次準備出國的手續裡  最大也是唯一的失策就是買在匯率高點!(搥心肝) 雖然全家都認為歐元沒有漲的理由  明明企業體質也爛得要命 也都虧一堆 但相對的美元疲軟 二季財報又優於預期(廢話都你在說) 所以很慘 足足比當初以44估的預算多了半萬元台幣(淚) 虧我一直看雖歐元等到現在!不過媽咪說這是命! 既然買了,匯率就不要管了!簽證在即,為了財力證明不得不買! 當初低點也沒有閒錢買啊!您說是不是?(但我還是很介意嘛) 好!回歸正傳!說說為什麼選擇旅支&購買的步驟! 除了開學前的開銷要兌現以外 其餘的部分都會存入我當地的戶頭 所以現金之外 有兩個選擇:匯票或旅支 基本上我是懶鬼 又擔心匯票行員出包 繞一大圈才到我法國戶頭 另外AE旅支九月底前有免費一個月的保險 還有匯率較親民 (遺失部分 匯票和旅支沒差 只比現金好 手續一樣有得瞧) 當地開戶部分 旅支同現金 存入短短幾天可對帳使用 匯票就必須等個幾天 驗來驗去 怎麼看我都選旅支! (其實都可以 看各人喜好 有人不喜歡旅支一疊帶著) 前置:打電話/至櫃檯詢問幣種及面額 確定有你要的量 步驟一:帶身分證和錢/存摺到銀行 步驟二:看匯率 步驟三:填申請書和購買證明(填基本資料即可) 步驟四:告訴行員你要的面額/張數/總金額 步驟五:結完帳馬上拿旅支 步驟六:拿到請先核對編號/張數 接著在左上角簽名 (我中英文都簽 累但保險 手很痠 要小心別簽錯) 步驟七:收好離開(回家詳讀說明以及傳徵免費保險的保單) *法國長期學生簽證(新制) 要準備什麼東西 這是基本常識 請自己上官網做做功課! 教育中心的姊姊們真的很有耐心 每次都伺候許多人問這些基本問題 請幫幫忙 不要讓學校名聲被你毀了 做點事吧 又不差幾秒鐘 整個流程:線上系統->審合->繳費->面試->送簽->領件 保險估計約兩到三個禮拜(送簽就要一到兩個禮拜喔!) 所以最好還是離起飛日一個月就開始動工比較好  如果了無回音 也是要打電話或親自跑一趟 催一催才有效 線上系統對大多數人而言 十分的難以理解 就連我也是有缺漏 檢查後需要補交資料 特別注意: 大頭照上限50...

Yuan Ze University 元智大學

我覺得我該狂吼些什麼 我真的是為大家感到驕傲 為什麼哩? for ARK & KARL & CAN: 繼我之後跨商管的學弟都順利考上了企研所喔!狂賀! (成大 中正 中興) 都是國立的 非常揚眉吐氣 恭喜你們了! for 喇賽&小順: 留在跑道上的更不用說 習慣了 哈哈 台清交一拖拉庫! 恭喜大家 有實力有努力 一切都是應得的! for 大便: 出國拿學位的!每個人都有自己的路要走! 接下來的日子不會比待在國內的輕鬆!要讓這些付出值得再回來啊! for MINT & IWEN: 在工作的 不僅是先先後後進了某些知名科技大廠  當了RD 也當了PROJECT LEADER 自己在生產產品 在這個暑假 該試產的去試產 該量產上市的量產上市 大家實在是太強大了!可不是嗎?(好羨慕你們能夠得到成就) for EE96的大家: 聽說都已經順利口試和畢業了!恭喜!大家都成為碩士生了! 準可以拿掉了 哈 應該都在準備當兵吧!鬆一口氣嚕! for OD & 謝崇暉 & 番薯: 要幫還在努力考試的人加油!不要灰心!把持到最後! 相信明年我回來也一定會看到你們有所成就! 要相信元智電機的人都有這樣的能力 也有這樣的態度 大家都要有信心!即便過程有時候很苦悶難熬 等久了就是你的! (最後這句不只用在追妹好唄:P) 總結:元智人真是太威了!!! 哈 請繼續保持 品牌是靠人經營的

CHGHS 中山女高

今晚 很難得 又跟高中同學聚首了 出席者:Oneway, Iwen, Wei-Jen, Theresa, 婉芳, Stella, me 仔細看看 今年要飛的就有半桌 Iwen  先去美國加州UC系列念語言學校 等春季的資工碩班! Wei-Jen  明天的飛機 要去肯德基州念生技碩博一貫!!! Theresa  看不出來很厲害 要去哥倫比亞念電機碩士!!! Stella  我一直認為她很謙虛 應該已默默成為寫程式的專家了 除了開始寫系統以外 明年也打算自己再到日本自助 婉芳  當了一年醒吾的老師 國高中通吃 物理地科全包 哈 自己爆料說私立學校有體罰 學生驚人地寫銀河系是荷包蛋狀XD 丸尾  目前剛完成口試在修論文 以有資策會助理的offer 我覺得 中山女高的大家也都十分傑出 除了這些比較常連絡的熟面孔以外  其實 廖+&呆呆&廖國&慧萱&季葳&NIGO 人都已經在國外了 接著會去的或曾有出國計畫的還有小葦&嘉瑜 除了NIGO好像在瑞士 小葦打算去加拿大 其他人都還是以美國為主 今年飛的也只有我是去法國 其他人都是去美國 (看來大家真的還是比較喜歡去英語系國家) 雖然 有點羨慕大家回來都是有學位在手的 而我只是去交換 但是 很開心也有跟大家不同的地方 且我珍惜自己所擁有的機會與際遇 希望 大家都可以繼續在人生的道路上打拼! 一路順風! 當然 也別擔心 等我回來會繼續召開同學會的!  哈哈 注意體重 不要吃太胖不敢見人就好 不怕沒人約 只怕你不來XD 號外 聖誕節與跨年假期(寒假)要來歐洲找我玩的 我竭誠歡迎! 請記得在九月底十月初跟我確定時間與行程! 我們要省錢遊歐洲!


An amazing....should I call it "activity"?! I don't actually know it's a verb or... The one who has never heard of it may ask, what is COUCHSURFING? It means to host or to be hosted someone volunteering! The way to host can be simply a coffee, a tour, even a stay or few more stays. It's up to volunteers. And volunteering means for free, non-profit. During the period, people make friends, share their thoughts and cultural livings, and have fun together, without asking something for return. If I had known it before, I would definitely host someone, just like that I have looked after several buddies! It's a nice way to help others. It's a pity I live with my family now. I have to care about their idea so that it's not possible to make a host right away. After I go back from France, I hope I will host some friends too! It's a pleasure to share, no doubt! Then I will share you my 1st couchsurfing experience, how to...

M. DEBANE - EMLYON (personal view)

This is a special experience for me too! Why? Because I pulled up my hand and posted a question in english in front of the people within discussion time. Maybe it's not so important or special as you think. However, for a person who is always silence during Q&A time, it's really a big step, for me! And more than that, we had a discussion about the information I would like to know and recieved a kindly and comfortable comment: It's a good question! The questions I asked are mainly about the thesis and the courses in french! About the thesis it's for a formal student who enrolls in the full programme! It's really occupied to compose a thesis, attend courses, and do an intern for 12 months in two years! So that, I can see even french people are not so efficient, their loadings are heavy and strictly evaluated! They do a different way during study but the common point is everyone should take the chance to make mistakes while they are still students. It's much mo...

M. DEBANE - EMLYON (general view)

The representative from EMLYON Shanghai comes to TW. He's an interesting person with accurate English. He also says his wife is a taiwanese and he worked in TW 15 years ago. It's like a long time ago but he doesnt look old at all! :D He introduces 6 to 7 programmes of EMLYON, Some crossing borders. It means you have to change the school during your study path. Of course! The tuition fee is quite or extremely expensive! If you are interested in, plz send me an email and I will explain it for you! The main point I got from kindly gentle M. DEBANE, and I want to share with you here is: My mom always questions why European students travel places to places, with different cultures, foods, languages, habits they don't even know. He says in France, after 5 hours drive, you will be in a place like that, like German, Italy, Spain, Swiss, Belgium, UK, and so on... Europe is a huge continent, and people there own a specialized flexibility, to get along with others who are quite differ...

Exchange Student vs. My Ambition

My 24th birthday, actually there were full of struggles. I have to thank my dear brother first. That's him, who reminds me to re-think about my goal, and about what I'd like to discover in the following months! Besides, my friends are searching for their first job. some have already had one, no matter they dream for it or not. im wondering, Where's my improvement? I try to write down who I am five years later. Then getting approach to three years, one year, to the moment now. I aim to find out what I'm going to do when I am abroad. The chance I can view wideopen around Europe and other's life. The existing question is about the industry I'd like to get in. When I had the interview with Prof. FONG about my thesis, the question existed, even I've finished my thesis already. I have great interested in branding and luxury management. That's why I like Europe. People know how to bring out their own story. The unique story is full of complexity, mixture, and t...

Le Galion - Accommodation

for the following exchange students who go to EMLYON, register the dorm ASAP!!! it's really possible to be full. some advices for you as following, 1. check the website often. they're changing all the time. 2. read the information carefully, including the details of payment, rules, office hour, opening time, facilities, and so on. 3. pretty sure you would stay in the dorm? dont put off, pay for it. 4. budget your money by accounting well to pay by TLC or by credit card. Le Galion, right at the other side of the road in front of EMLYON campus. Single room with personal WC, telephone, conditioners, wifi, large closet, desk&chair, lamps, a window... espcailly, there's a cleaning company responsible for the environment. they send someone to clean up the room every week at a regular schedule. WOOOOOOOOW!!! The rent is pretty expensive, 415euros/month, and 100euros for cleaning. First month rent and a month rent for registeration are paid in advance. then the registeration fe...


雖然生日了 卻不想待在家 雖然月事來 感覺累回家就是狂睡 待在家壓力很大 有事不能反應 只能自己忍著 我真的越來越同意 如果要生小孩希望是兄妹 當老姊 真的很辛苦 下半年 會花家裡很多錢 不習慣向家人尋求協助的我 一直很介意 媽咪安慰我不要太擔心 我才能在晚上正常睡著 但有人一直以為我只是想要去法國玩 一直以為我恣意妄為 偏要選在經濟不景氣的時候出國 然後自己在那邊偷偷省錢 自以為可以幫上大忙 殊不知這樣只是讓我痛苦 實質上也沒什麼幫助 我不會為了向你證明什麼 改變什麼 也沒有義務讓你知道 因為現在的你不會懂 我會放在心裡 有些話我想就不用多說了 我了解一個人考研究所的壓力和苦悶  也了解自己年紀終究比較大 凡事要多為你想想 很多時候 都要努力度過情緒與現實的考驗 我覺得我很幸運 在求學路上很少遇到極大的壓力 回想起來都是忙碌 卻不至於用難關來形容 或許是我太不了解你的立場 也不了解你的想法 想想 我還是很感謝你默默地努力 但你知不知道 你只要朝你的方向努力  那才是家人們最想要看到的 一直以來都是如此 而不是在那邊省幾個小錢 或是該花的不去花 你真以為你省了多少? 你真以為你現在省來得及? 回顧自己過去一年是怎麼過的 週末一個人在宿舍就不吃飯  可以連續吃一樣的三十元便當過好幾天 為了省回台北的錢 寧可兩個月不回家 為了找一些外快 好去漢神打工 在冬天累到過敏 為了不花錢 沒有參加畢旅 拒絕同學的邀約和飯局 很辛苦卻也沒有抱怨 因為早就看到室友波波出國前的努力 跟她比起來 我覺得我也沒有盡到全力去掙錢 要是全部都花自己的錢 或許就沒以這麼多的問題了 但是早知道是沒有用的 如今剩一個月就要飛了 在外地要更學會照顧自己 去發現更多自己想要發現的事物


不喜歡拖拖拉拉 不喜歡幫助不做功課的人 不喜歡被不要緊的事情打擾 不喜歡聽別人自以為是 討厭自己忽隱忽現的奴性 既然幫忙就不要抱怨 只是 我還是會想  世界上 這種人還真不是普通的多 還是說 我處在的環境 怎麼這麼多這樣的人 這到底是怎一回事呢 我想 還是管好自己吧 默

The Life

finally i recieved the result of DELF A2 (my french test in the end of May) it's not so good, at least not as good as my imagination i got 56.5 pts out of 100 pts... 14.5pts/listening, 9pts/reading, 20pts/writing, 13pts/speaking... The condition of admission: 50+/100 (totally score) and 5+/25 (each part) so i think i only pass through it, did not do well on it WTF is my reading? i have to do sth before i go to France from now on i have to practice my french again dont be lazy girl!!! btw, i have some idea while i was showering again i thought of the mission we said out loud in Taichung we talked about the short-term plans in our lives i said i want to get married in 3 years then build a 5-star hotel nearby the Effiel Tower in following 5 years... it's like daydreams as you said but i have to do something to achieve this whatever the brief note is: 1. 2009/2010 (aged 24)brand, luxury, management, marketing... 2. 2010/2013 (aged 28)language, job, pay back the loan, get married......

Ma cuisine 4 - Tuna Onion Plate

菜名: 黑胡椒涼拌鮪魚洋蔥 食材: 1.鮪魚罐頭 2.洋蔥*1 3.粗胡椒粉 費時:10mins (3人份) 難度: * (easy) 心得: 如果沒時間 這倒是一個含熱量又涼快的料理 除了當場吃掉一盤 我還冰了兩個保鮮盒在冰箱裡 鮪魚的味道很重 輕鬆完工 不需烹調的料理 時間總是不夠的我 應該很適合XD

Ma cuisine 3 - Curry Chicken Rice + Potato Salade

菜名: 咖哩雞肉飯 + 馬鈴薯沙拉 食材: 1.咖哩塊*5 (辣味) 2.里肌肉 3.馬鈴薯*2 4.紅蘿蔔*1 5.洋蔥*2 6.米 7.熱狗*4 8.蛋*4 費時: 1hr30 (4人份) 難度指數: * (easy) 做咖哩的步驟: 1.將馬鈴薯+洋蔥+紅蘿蔔+里肌肉洗乾淨 該削皮的削一削+切丁 2.洋蔥和里肌肉一起下去爆香 接著加入馬鈴薯和紅蘿蔔 3.加水將食材悶熟 放入咖哩塊攪拌均勻 煮久些讓多餘水分蒸發 做沙拉的步驟: 1.將煮熟透的馬鈴薯壓成泥 可含少量水分 冷卻後放入冰箱冷藏 2.食用時 將分開冷藏的切丁食材隨性抓適量加入馬鈴薯泥中拌均勻 3.最後加入美乃滋和均勻 心得: 只能說 真是太太太好吃了!!! 最後我抱著鍋子 把剩下的醬汁全部吸乾 之前在高雄 馬鈴薯有夠難削 今天證明 果然不是我的問題 是刀子的問題 臭楊淑如 今天削不到幾分鐘 輕輕鬆鬆解決四顆 覺得這些食物好肥胖啊@@ 改進: 1.水加少一點 覺得還是有點太水 不過味道蠻濃的 2.下鍋順序 雞肉 洋蔥 馬鈴薯 紅蘿蔔 咖哩塊 水一點一點加 3.咖哩紅蘿蔔太少 馬鈴薯沙拉則是馬鈴薯太少料太多 4.可試加少許太白粉 也可以試加通心粉吃 murmur...接下來想做一些夏天食品 今天被午後的廚房熱到差點中暑昏去 想轉攻奶酪布丁類

Dear Simon from Belgium

I got a really kind and sweet package from Belgium, from my dear friend Simon we met on FACEBOOK so that we didnt really meet face to face that's why im so surprised and touched by the presents from him What are they, the presents? One is a big map (de rouck geocart) of Belgium including several pieces and details One is a guidebook (GUIDESVOIR HACHETTE) of Bruxelles, Bruges, Gand et Anvers Another one is also a guidebook (lonely planet EN QUELQUES JOURS) All of the maps and books are in french it's more convenient for Simon to find and I love french They are my first gifts for 24th birthday and I really love it I hope I could find a present for Simon so as he did The greatest part is that he also sent me a hand-written letter and a drawing of 101 he sent his regards to my whole family and a gift from his friend he has even told me that he was sorry for the lack of his photo i dont mind i think it's too kind of him for all of these thanks again my dear friend from Belgium, ...

Kenting is the best place for travel

從墾丁回來只有一個字 amazing!!! 與墾丁比 高雄台南都算不上個咖 我喜歡墾丁 希望從法國回來後可以去那邊待一個禮拜 就當做最後的休息 反正也要去高雄辦離校手續 對耶! 真是個好計畫 哈哈哈 (爸媽可能在一旁滴咕:你的假還度不夠啊@@) 這次終於不只是踏浪 雖然我沒有去浮淺  但是在岩岸上遇到了一對父子 學識淵博  所以看到什麼小生物 小男孩就會機哩咕嚕地解釋 大自然真奧妙 穿上我的小比 漂到踏不見底的海域 整個身體浸泡在溫暖的海水裡 隨著浪載浮載沉的感覺 真好! 雖然海水好鹹 眼睛碰了啥也看不見 卻很有夏天的fu 法國是不是也有美麗的海灘呢?  另外 就是很刺激的飆沙了!  這個跟朋友一定要去玩 跟老人家我看就免了^^" 怎麼說呢?像是站在吉普車上的六福村雲霄飛車! 超好玩的!原來車還可以降子開 原來人真的會飛起來 腳會軟 第一次嘗試 大家就挑戰168 驚叫聲不絕於耳 我的手根本抓不住鐵欄杆 所以我用盡我整個上半身的力量去支撐 後來 手臂內側和手腕關節都是瘀青 雖然很痛卻也很爽快 回家以後 睡覺趴著睡 壓到胸前還隱隱作痛^^" 最後的溯溪 根本是洗輪胎水 被噴得滿嘴滿臉 冷得屁屁挫 但是真的很好笑 有被玩被整的感覺 好久不見 上次見面已經是去年的12/30囉 時間過真快 有人去清交 有人出國 有人繼續在元智打拼 不知道下次大家一起出去又是什麼時候勒 最後 結論是我發現我真的太懶了! 有時候懶得講話 有時候懶得動 懶得笑 懶得拍照 希望出國樣樣自己來以後 可以讓我勤勞一點! 另外 很高興認識番薯妹 也多謝大家的照顧 希望下次有更屌的旅行團 歐耶! 好啦!該做的事情還是要做! 該補習的補習 該念書得念書 該上學的上學 該陪家人的陪家人 該準備出國的去準備 回歸到現實生活 但 心還留在墾丁^^